Daniel 7:25 speaks of the enemy wearing out the saints in the last days. The constant mental, emotional, spiritual and physical attacks that we face daily can literally wear you out. Death, financial difficulties, sickness and civil unrest leaves a believer worn out and feeling like there is too much to pray for.
The Bible tells us that we are in a spiritual war! But nothing happens in the natural that doesn’t happen in the spirit first. Natural manifestations of war are a result of spiritual wars. These two realms are real and always in operation.
Whenever a country engages in war, they always analyze the tactics of the enemy and devise a strategy to combat them. So let’s get to the reason for this post.
After crying out to God about the onslaught of attacks against my family and friends; I asked Holy Spirit to show me what the enemy’s tactics and give us a strategic plan of battle. He revealed to me the word Attrition. I had never heard that word before so I looked it up. It was a military term. YES! Now we are talking.
Attrition warfare - is a military strategy consisting of belligerent attempts to win a war by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse through continuous losses in personnel and material. The war will usually be won by the side with greater such resources.
There it is, this type of natural warfare tactic is seen in Daniel 7! The wearing down of the saints!! The continual loss of family, friends and resources is a war tactic to WEAR US OUT and try to defeat us.
That’s his strategy for this season. ATTRITION WARFARE! So how do we combat this strategy? First, let me say that war is a series of battles. So this is the battle we are in now. We know that we win the war and we know we have the tools to defeat the enemy but how do we use them in this battle? A knife is a powerful weapon but it’s useless in a knife fight. So how do we combat this strategy? What is the battle plan? The definition of attrition warfare tells us that the one with the greatest resources wins the battle! There it is!! What are your resources? What things do you have to combat the enemy in this area? Of course, we have Holy Spirit, the Blood of Jesus and the Name of Jesus. These are your weapons of mass destruction! Use them in prayer, worship, ministry and all that you do. Pray over your family, finances, health. Get specific! You have the most resources available because YOU are God’s resource in the earth and He is yours!! The greatest strategy against weariness is REST! Rest in the Lord and the power of His might! Lean on Him and trust Him with everything and everyone in your life. Remember that God is in complete control and that nothing takes Him by surprise. If you are weary, go to God and find out where you aren’t trusting Him. You can’t rest and weary. Now that the enemy’s battle plan has been exposed, seek God for the strategy in your life! Find the area’s that the enemy is wearing you out I’m and destroy them with the power of God! We know we win the war, but let’s increase our odds in the battles as well! Be blessed!